Thursday, July 20, 2017

#2449 - Serene Jordan Lake

Transparent Watercolor, 12.00" x 16.00", on Handmade watercolor paper
Finished this watercolor painting of Jordan Lake on a handmade paper I bought a few years ago. The surface of the paper is rough and its feels different and not as easy to manipulate than the Strathmore or Arches that I am more familiar with. 

Anyway, I am pleased with the result. I just might try the paper again in the next painting.

Monday, July 10, 2017

#2448 - Standing Tall

Transparent Watercolor, 12.00" x 16.00", on Arches watercolor paper
This is a blue heron at Jordan Lake near the Farrington Point Boat Ramp. I saw this tall fellow three weeks ago while I was kayaking in the nearby Bush Creek inlet of Jordan Lake.